Youth Martial Arts

By reaching out to America’s schools and under the well-established DEA Educational Foundation (DEAEF), the DEAEF Youth Martial Arts Program (YMAP) will inspire youth with healthy and drug-free messages, and encourage them to exercise and to focus on positive training and discipline through the activity of martial arts. Additionally, the YMAP will provide opportunities for children and teens to serve as role models to their peers, and to participate with other youth as they explore with strong mentors areas of peer-pressure, self-esteem building, and decision-making.
Founded/Pilot Program
The YMAP started in 2019, thanks to the strong interest from DEAEF Board Member Walter Wang, and the DEA’s 360 Strategy. The inaugural DEAEF YMAP was so successful, DEA 360 requested it be expanded to Cleveland, Ohio. Students loved the program, bridging prevention messaging with important DEAEF curriculum points of discipline, self-confidence and physical and mental strength. Since the successful conclusion of the DEA 360 program in these areas, in 2020, the DEAEF elected to continue offering Martial Arts programming in Los Angeles, CA and Cleveland, OH. In 2021, the DEAEF expanded to reach additional youth sites in the Los Angeles region with support from DEA Operation Engage. In the last half of 2021, Walter and Shirley Wang generously donated funds to help the Foundation roll out a national Youth Martial Arts Program bringing this special opportunity to AZ, CA, LA, MA, NY, OH and PA. In 2023, the program reached fifteen cities and is projected to reach 21 by the end of 2024, as well as new sites in our current cities, due to expansion through Operation Engage and DEAEF national youth programs.
Programs begin with a launch assembly featuring local professional martial arts instructors including DEAEF messaging of choosing positive alternatives to drug abuse and violence. DEA field offices support where available by visiting school and community sites to encourage kids and provide educational information on the dangers of drug abuse. Programs include educational messages, the Red Ribbon Pledge and visits from DEA where possible. The DEAEF YMAP empowers kids to express themselves safely and focus on a lifetime of health and well-being in mind and body.

2023-24 DEAEF YMAP Cities
- Athens, MI*
- Cleveland/North Ridge, OH
- Flushing, NY
- Glendale, AZ
- Hawthorne, CA
- Houston, TX
- Inglewood, CA
- Kansas City, MO
- Kansas City, KS
- Long Beach, CA
- Medford, MA
- New Orleans, LA*
- Philadelphia, PA
- Queens, NY
- Slidell, LA
- Spokane, WA
- Stoneham, MA*
- Toledo, OH*
- Washington, DC*
- Watts, CA
- Wilmington, DE*
- National through our work with Big Brother Big Sisters Youth
* 2024 Projected Cities
2023-24 Partnered Studios/Instructors
- Kingi Kajukenbo
- Kaizen Dojo
- S.M. Smith Martial Arts
- Capoeira NYC Inc.
- Integrity Martial Arts
- Muay Tai
- Derrik Bankemper
- SJ Wellness
- Martial Posture
- Forged Warrior Martial Arts
- U Need Martial Arts
The YMAP and several other DEAEF Youth Programs operating under the same model as the YDP could not be operated and managed without our dedicated staff.
Interested? We Need Your Support
The DEAEF YMAP is currently seeking funding for expansion to meet a waiting list of schools wanting to implement the Youth Martial Arts Program. If you would like to be a part of our efforts to offer a positive alternative to kids, please contact us.
Nationwide Impact
15 cities
Program locations grew (+5) vs. 2022
+6 cities
expands to 21 cities total with expansion from Operation Engage partnership